2.0 beta 1 was released today. It fixes a couple of minor bugs since 2.0dev4, but otherwise there are no major changes. No major changes are expected further for 2.0 also -- only fixes for newly-found bugs will be included.
The 2.0 line should be fairly stable by now. 2.0dev4 has had 1100+ downloads from sourceforge alone, and no serious bugs have been reported.
Do let me know any bugs that you come across, and it can be fixed before 2.0 release. Unless there are any major troubles, the next release would be 2.0 final, probably in a couple of weeks time.
This release also ensures that the application picks up all the UI text from resource files, so that localization is possible. If you're interested in translating The Guide to your native language (or any language!) do let me know.
Thanks are due to the patient users of The Guide, for encouraging the development and spreading the word -- Thank You!