Thursday, November 15, 2007

Your Checkboxes Are Here

Here come the checkboxes!

You can have icons, checkboxes, neither or both, as decorations on the tree:

Sounds good?


Anonymous said...

Awesome - you're really fast. Just one comment: looks like this is a general setting affecting all guide files one opens. Is it possible to have it as a file-specific setting?
Thanks and cheers

Mahadevan R said...

Yes, actually. It should be a file-specific setting. Thing is, there a few other such settings too -- the pane background colors for example. I'd like to make all of these as file-specific at one shot; or leave it as global settings till then.

Camilo said...

Sorry, I can´t Speak english (Well, I don´t speak english fine), then I speak in Spanish...

Realmente espero esos cambios, ya que uso mucho este software (La versión 2.0 Dev7) y realmente me ha sido útil, además esas mejoras (Especificamente las de las casillas de verificación "Checkboxes") son muy útiles para mi...

Ojala esté disponible pronto...

Su software es increible y muy útil...


luminarious said...

I just thought I'd let you know - I've been using The Guide for about a month now and I'm reallyreally happy with it! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm working with The Guide now every day and there is one function I'm really missing a lot - copying and pasting of branches (incl. sub-branches) in the tree-view.
Is that feasible?
Thanks and cheers

Anonymous said...

... and another quick one: would be great if the preferences for "Print" and "Tree Decoration" would be document-specific (i.e. no program preferences but document settings) since I use The Guide for process ducumentation as well as for actions item lists etc.
So I need sometimes prefix heading number, sometimes they are anoying. Same with the checkboxes.
Thanks again and best regards

Anonymous said...

I'm sort of sure someone has told you this, but it'd be DAMN AWESOME if clicking a dead link would create an empty subItem.

Please, excuse me if this is not the right place to say this, or if I managed to screw it otherwise.

Wes said...

Any new updates?

Anonymous said...

I have been searching for a PIM for a while..nothing matched until I stumbled upon your application. It's just what i wanted. No bloat, just right!
A very big thankyou for this.
Cant wait to download version 2.
cheers mate.

Anonymous said...

I tried many outliner like keynote, mempad, SeoNote, TreeDBNotes and Treeline, but none of these are satifiying my needs.
The Guide comes very close!!

What I am looking for is a all-in-one mode which, like the export, shows all Children as one Document. It would be perfect if it could also be editable that way!

Thank you for creating such a clean and simple outliner!